Apparently I was more than a little lucky getting through this area the other day. Bird Cage, the English girl I ran into at White Pass is here at the Mostel. Goat Rocks and Snowy Mountain is where they hit the white out and had to turn around.
I went through just before them and got hit with rain and sleet. It was pretty dangerous walking that ridge, can't imagine trying it in a whiteout with sixty mile an hour winds.
Another group crossed after the snow and were post holing up to their waists. Scary stuff.
The hikers I am with now just heard one of their friends hurt his knee up there and is off the trail now.
I am planning on staying here till Monday. It's pouring rain and temps running between 30-45 degrees. Will still be raining but maybe not so hard. It's suppose to warm up around Thursday which is important as there is snow north of us. Rumor has it some twenty people have quit north of here due to the snow.
I am hoping waiting a few days will get me a weather window to complete this trail. Hopefully snow north of here will melt by the time I get there and I won't get hypothermia getting out of here!