Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 137 August 7th, 2014

Did much better today.  Made it just about 15 miles to the Waptus River campsite.  First five miles of the day was a 3,000 foot climb.  Did well and only had a little trouble breathing near the top.

Ran into one of the fellows who was following my blog and videos, Brad.  That's a picture of him attached.  Nice to be recognized and he's a real nice guy!


  1. Hey there Gator!! I finished my section hike and am getting caught up on your blog!! It was such a great treat to have ran into you; I still cant believe it. I laugh when I think about the fact that I recognized your hat before I recognized you! lol. Looks like you are progressing well on your way to the boarder. Just want to let you know that my offer from last year still stands. If you think I can be of assistance after you get done, shoot me an email. If you come down to Seattle before you fly back to Florida, I would love to see you again before you head back. I'm always off work on Mon, Tues, and Wed. Take care.

  2. Thanks Brad! Just finished. Glad I ran into you. Beat but happy to be done!


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